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Stardust Example: Custom Shaders

A scatterplot created with the Stardust library. Data is generated using a formula.


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<title>Stardust Example: Scatterplot</title>
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<div class="initializing"><p>Initializing...</p></div>
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  var canvas = document.getElementById("main-canvas");
  var width = 960;
  var height = 500;
  var platform = Stardust.platform("webgl-2d", canvas, width, height);

  var Nx = 96 * 1;
  var Ny = 50 * 1;

  var data = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
      var u = (i / (Nx - 1)) * 2 - 1;
      var v = (j / (Ny - 1)) * 2 - 1;
      var theta = v * Math.PI + Math.random() * 0.5;
      var r = Math.cos(5 * theta + Math.random() * 0.5);
        x: r * Math.cos(theta),
        y: r * Math.sin(theta)

  let circle = new Stardust.mark.compile(`
    mark Mark(center: Vector2, radius: float, color: Color, k: float) {
      emit [
        { position: center + Vector2(-radius, -radius), color: color, off: Vector2(-1, -1), k: k },
        { position: center + Vector2(-radius, radius), color: color, off: Vector2(-1, 1), k: k },
        { position: center + Vector2(radius, radius), color: color, off: Vector2(1, 1), k: k },
        { position: center + Vector2(-radius, -radius), color: color, off: Vector2(-1, -1), k: k },
        { position: center + Vector2(radius, -radius), color: color, off: Vector2(1, -1), k: k },
        { position: center + Vector2(radius, radius), color: color, off: Vector2(1, 1), k: k }

  var testShader = Stardust.shader.compile(`
    shader Default(color: Color, off: Vector2, k: float) {
      let r = exp(-sqrt(off.x * off.x + off.y * off.y) * k);
      emit { color: Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, r) };

  var circles = Stardust.mark.create(circle, testShader, platform);

  var scaleX = Stardust.scale
    .domain([-1, 1])
    .range([10, width - 10]);
  var scaleY = Stardust.scale
    .domain([-1, 1])
    .range([10, height - 10]);
  circles.attr("center", Stardust.scale.Vector2(scaleX(d => d.x), scaleY(d => d.y)));
  circles.attr("radius", 10);
  circles.attr("color", [0, 0, 0, 0.4]);
  circles.attr("k", 5);


  var t0 = new Date().getTime();
  setInterval(() => {
    var time = new Date().getTime() - t0;
    circles.attr("k", 8 + Math.sin(time / 1000) * 2);
  }, 10);